My Story

My father was my greatest inspiration and teacher. He immigrated to Canada from India and worked as a millworker for 17 years in Williams Lake (Bill’s Puddle), BC, where I was born. In 1989, we moved to Surrey because my father started a new business building houses. He wanted to provide his family a better way of life. 

I learned a lot from my father, not the least of which is that if you are honest and do a great job for people, you don’t need to spend much time marketing yourself because your clients will refer you to their friends and family. To this day, my father’s example of being a hard worker, being honest, and overcoming the hardships of life is the foundation on which I have built my entire business – which is almost exclusively based on referrals. When I treat my clients the way I wanted to be treated, they are happy to refer me to their friends and family.

I started selling real estate in 2010. I had the idea that making a lot of money would make me happy. My priorities changed after some hard times in 2014-2015, including the death of my father, the end of my marriage, and becoming clean and sober on April 23, 2015. As you can imagine, I did a lot of soul searching and realized that chasing money made me miserable. What makes me happy is doing what God’s will is for me and that’s to build close relationships, serve others, and make a difference in others’ lives. I am no saint by any means, but I try my best every day to become a better version of myself and practice rigorous honesty in all of my affairs. 

On a lighter note, my favourite things to do are to hang out with my dog Sophie (my first dog Spock passed away a little while back), watch mixed martial arts, and go down YouTube watching rabbit holes with things that interest me. My primary goal is to have great health, have close and meaningful relationships with friends and family, and build a business worth having by serving good people.